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tv   The Young Turks With Cenk Uygur  Current  August 21, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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earnest entreaties. now i am done talking. >> jennifer: all right everybody, thank you so much for joining us here in the war room. hope you have a great night and we'll see you back here tomorrow. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> cenk: welcome to "the young turks." mr. legitimate rape apologizes. >> but then i said one word and one sentence on one day and everything changed. >> the mistake i made was in the words i said, not in the heart i hold. i ask for your forgiveness. >> cenk: you will not receive it on this program. i'm going to tell you how he is staying in the race, and what he meant by legitimate race, which is worse nan what you've seen anywhere else. he's explaining it. you got to see that. and then congressman gets caught with a 17-year-old male in a public restaurant. >> police say both the
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55-year-old gothier and a teen admitted to sexual conduct. reports said that he arranged it through craigslist. >> cenk: should he be kicked out of congress. actually, when you see the details that case is a little more complicated than you might realize. that's an interesting question. and then a ridiculous documentary about president obama. >> i thinkbut don't you think you're part of his family. >> cenk: that's president obama's brother. he tried to use him in the documentary. but he's on the program today and he'll have to answer for his ridiculous charges. don't miss that, either. it's go time.
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>> cenk: so representative todd akin made thisidiculous commenten about aut if yo iadad leletititeteapapbvbvusus a a woman is not going to get pregnant. he has had to apologize for that. people think he's going to lose the race for that. republicans want him out of the race. but except for a fact that we have a new poll done on monday, akin still in the lead, 44% to 43%. this is probably one of the most depressing things you'll seal in your life. this is just the first poll, this is from monday, and this can change, and let's hope that this does change. if this sticks, and by the way only 6% of republican women are going to vote for mccaskill they're sticking with akin. this is unbelievable. we'll talk about why it is unbelievable. first of all he went on mike huckabee's program again today and said he's staying in the race. >> i want to make everything absolutely clear.
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we're going continue for this race for the u.s. senate. >> cenk: now he also made an apology ad. i'll run it for you and then break it down. it's perfectly absurd. >> rape is an evil act. i used the wrong words in the wrong way and for that i apologize. as the father of two daughters i want tough justice for predators. i have a compassionate heart for the victims of sexual assault and i pray for them. the fact is that rape can lead to pregnancy. the truth is rape has many victims. the mistake i made was in the words i said, not in the heart i hold. i ask for your forgiveness. >> cenk: now before we get to the seriousness of the rare moment of lightness on this issue. if you have to make an ad like that, there is some chance that your campaign is in trouble. they told akin ahead of time that this is the ad that you'll have to run to get the senate seat. he probably said dammit u what
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what did i do. he clarifies. rape is an evil act. really? republicans have to make ads that say fine, i'll concede that rape is an evil act. and then the daughter-act. i got two daughters. i want to play that card. second of all he says, don't worry, if you're a rape victim, i'll pray for you. have you ever heard anything less comforting in your life. oh you got raped and we're going it make you have the rapist's kid but we're going to pray for you. scum bag. i'm just getting started. he goes on sean hannity's program. this is what he said. >> rape is just rape. it's horrible, and it is abhor rent to me because even as as a
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pro-lifer i always stud up for the people who were the most vulnerable. >> cenk: isn't that an amazing thing. did you catch it? i'll put it in a graphic. said even as a pro-lifer i've always stood up for the people who were the most vulnerable. so if you're pro-life, it's like a big deal if you step up for people who are vulnerable. i mean, look, women who have been raped, even if as a pro-lifer i want to say if you got raped. that's an evil act if it's a legitimate rape. i just called him a scum bag a while ago. are you beginning to get a sense of why i'm doing that? who sense things like that. he said, oh, i misspoke. what did you misspeak about? tell me, and nobody has ever asked him. he just went on hannity and huckabee because he's a coward. what do you mean you misspoke. what does that mean? of course, he won't explain--he
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didn't misspeak. i'm going to show you exactly what he meant in a second. but first here is the right-wing cavalry. he turns around and talks about how the rapist child can turn out to be a wonderful creature. let him explain. >> ethyl waters is the result of a forceible rape. i used to work for james robison back in the 1970s. he leads a large christian organization. he himself was the result of a forceible rape. you know, i know it happens yet even from those horrible, horrible tragedies of rape, which are inexcusable and indefensible life has come. and sometimes those people are able to do extraordinary things. >> cenk: it is not your decision
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to make. hey, i believe that the rapist's child inside you is going to be a wonderful human being, so i'm going to make that decision for you. well no thanks, mike huckabee. no thanks, tod akin. you don't get to make that decision. they say, we don't give a damn that you were raped forcible or otherwise. have the damn kid. it will be a wonderful kid. but they're not alone. of course the right-wing cavalry, the limbaughs the robertsons. >> he screwed up. he made a dumb remark. don't we all. okay tod you apologized. you misspoke and let's get on with life. >> because their view is it's not the baby's fault. why are we going to kill the baby? why should there with an exception? the baby is the essence of innocence in every act of
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conception. >> i think this election should be about how did tod akin vote, and what did he vote for and what did he stand for? in this case i'm saying the same thing. petty personal attacks substituting for strong policy. >> cenk: petty, personal attacks, whether we think your rape was legitimate or not you're petty for worrying about that. but congressman king, i'm glad you brought up substance and policy issues. let's take a look at that. let's show you bills that representative akin and representative paul ryan cosponsors. no taxpayer funding for abortion act. i'll get back to that in a second. title x abortion prider act pdc pain capable unborn child protection act. ultrasound informed consent act. the list goes on and on. all of these say it's not your choice. it's our choice. the akins and the ryans of the
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world get to decide what you're going to do with your body. even if you have been raped it's still not your choice. it was never your choice in the first place. we don't care. we don't give a damn about you. you will have that rapist's child. paul ryan agrees. akin is talking about legitimate rape. he said he misspoke. i want to show you what he said to sean hannity about what he actually meant. >> yeah, i was talking about forcible rape, and it was absolutely the wrong word. >> cenk: he meant forcible rape, not legitimate rape. so he's not saying i'm taking it back. i don't have those policy positions. if you get raped forcible or otherwise, legitimate or otherwise, i'm not saying that you should get to do what i tell you to do. you should have a choice. no no, he's not saying that. you don't have a choice. what he's say something that
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it's okay if i take that choice away from you if it's a forcible rape. you know who agreed that, this son of a pitch right here. if you can't get medicaid money for abortion unless you've been raped. but they tried to change the law. they said, oh you know what? rape is one thing. but it has to be forcible rape. so if it's statutory rape no abortion for you. if they drugged you or if they took advantage of a mental disposition that you had anything else, a date rape, it doesn't matter. you don't have that choice. you can't get that abortion. it has to be forcible rape. do you understand that rape is by definition forcible. but they don't think so. these two men think well, if it wasn't forcible, you had it coming and you're going to have that child. that's what these men think.
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that's the real outrage. it's not about misstaking, they wrote the law with forcible rape in it. they meant it. i'm not done yet. now when you look at the g.o.p. platform, you think it's just these two guys? no, the g.o.p. platform comes out and says, quote, a call for constitutional ban on abortion that makes no exceptions for rape or incest. you elect these guys and this is the policies that you will get. they don't care about you. and finally our producers put together a compilation on this issue. this is why they shy say akin should step aside. because they care about women? no. >> republicans have a wonderful chance to win missouri. >> to give ourselves a better chance of winning, i would step aside. >> we're 51 votes needed to repeal obama-care.
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hold the senate. >> he's not going to win this race and it's very possible that he could cost mitt romney this state. >> i would prefer that tod akin do the right thing for our party and our candidates, and i would prefer him not come. >> congressman akin, you're in denial. you're going to lose if you stay in the race. and by the way y your lose could make the difference. >> if the next four months are spent talking about the remarkably dumb comment that akin made a few days ago that will hurt the prospect for republicans. >> personally, i think it could be harmful to the whole party to the whole state to the whole idea of mitt romney doing well in a state he has to win. >> you think about that while you do your little commercial and think about destroying the republican majority. >> cenk: that's all they care about. they don't give a damn about women. think about the republican majority in the house in the senate romney, it's all about
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us. this is a sick party. when we come back, there are more sex scandals. one involved a congressman who was skinny dipping where jesus christ walked on water. >> we had dinner, alcohol did not play a role in the decision to jump in the water. it was just spontaneous moment. >> cenk: believe it or not i'm going to defend that guy. you'll see why when we come back. the guy i'm not going to defend is the man who made this documentary, who we'll talk about--and we'll have him on the show later on in this program. >> obama has a dream that the sinning of colonialism be set right and america >>i jump out of my skin at people when i'm upset. do you share the sense of outrage that they're doing this, this corruption based on corruption based on corruption. >>i think that's an
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understatement, eliot. u>> i'm not prone tot. understatement, so explain to me why that is. i think the mob learned from wall st., not vice versa.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> cenk: all right, we've got three different congressmen i want to tell you about here with three different scandals related to sex in one say or another. we've got kevin yoder who wound up skinny dipping. and then kerry gauthier who had sex at a rest stop with a young boy and then we have representative akin, and you know what he did. who is guilty and who is not guilty. let's go to the tyt supreme court. [ ♪ music ♪ ]
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>> cenk: alrighty, so let's start with yoder. yoder was at the sea of galilee apparently last year, guys, and of course i'm talking to ana kasparian, and michael shure our produceer jayar jackson and keep those compilations coming. i love them. yoder was part of a congressional delegation at the holy land, at the sea of galilee that is a sea that is a lake, that jesus walked on, if you believe it, god bless. apparently he goes skinny dipping like frank the tank. come on, everybody we're going skinny dipping where jesus walked on water. yoder will have to explain it. here he is. >> my wife and i had had dinner. alcohol did not play a role in the edition to jump in the water. it was a spontaneous moment where other members of congress
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were jumping in, and i made the mistake of jumping in. and i was in for 10 seconds and guy back out and it was obviously a mistake. >> cenk: i don't care. i don't care if it was a religious place, not guilty. >> cenk: not guilty, he's not going to get kicked out of congress? get arrested? i agree. we could talk with him and say words that mean nothing un unbecoming of a representative of the united states. we could criticize. >> cenk: i don't think there is any criticism. so what, he went skinny dipping. i'll go crazy. i don't know if any other tv host admitted this before, i've been skinny dipping. >> have you gone skinny dipper, even frank the tank said come on everybody. in is a lesson to be learned and everybody should know this.
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whenever you go skinny dipping and you're the only member of 12 to go skinny dipping that's a huge mistake. hehe doesn't even have a challenger. the reasons why i think kevin yoder should not be in congress is about this long. but the idea that it should be--because of his skinny dipping, um, are not part of that. >> cenk: one last thing. jayar, you're the real christian here that's why we call you reverend. is this a religious thing? jesus, when cares. does that matter. >> there is a segment of people who may believe this is a holy site and look and ref reference reverence for what you believe happened there. at least respect the person.
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>> cenk: the jews in israel don't believe it's a holy spot. they go waterskiing there all the time. >> people going swimming naked in the sea of galilee for furthers and furthers for millennium. >> cenk: how do you know jesus wasn't doing the same thing. >> because he just walked across. >> cenk: speaking of irreligious. we go to kerry gauthier. he's democrat. 's not married. but he winds up having sex with a 17-year-old male at a rest stop. there's a local story about it. >> the top republican house leader is calling for the resignation of a state representative who admitted to having sex with a teenageer. kerry gauthier met the 17-year-old boy at a highway rest stop near proctor last month. according to state law the boy is of legal consenting age. >> cenk: here's the thing. the 17-year-old.
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that makes my stomach turn. he's 56 years old. everybody is upset about it. but the age of consent is 16. they never exchanged money. does he go because we're uncomfortable with the sex act. >> i say no. if he didn't break any laws he should not have to go. >> there is no way to get him out of the minnesota state house. i don't believe there is that. but going back to what jayar said before sometimes there is conduct unbecoming anybody. whether you're representative of the minnesota or just a guy. >> cenk: if he was your dentist would you stop going to that dentist? >> no, but i don't send my son to that dentist. >> cenk: that's interesting. i think there is some chance jayar, if it was a 23-year-old girl that he gets a that the at athatta boy. >> that's right.
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there is a moment to say well, look at yourself. if you want to change the law because of age cool, push that, but don't think about why you're upset about this, and if it's he's with a woman or a guy in this case. >> cenk: i think it makes a difference in the perception of people. if you think 17 makes you uncomfortable, then change the law. and make the age of consent 18. >> and there are folks, i don't know what they've been doing i don't want to know any way. >> cenk: right, so look, i'm going to vote not guilty on this even though it makes us uncomfortable and that goes to akin, our third point here. which is these guys, what they did, whether it's the republican or the democrat, doesn't effect us in terms of policy at all. it's their private sex lives skinny dipping whatever it is. but akin, he didn't do a sex act. but when he talks about
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legitimate or forcible rape that effects every woman in the country. isn't that a million times worse than what these guys did? >> a million times worse. he's running for the senate. he's representing people in missouri with his words and what he's saying. it's completely different. >> cenk: ana you're woman. what these guys do, who cares. but this effects you the most when he talks about these issues. >> of course, the thought that one day if heaven for bid i get raped and i get forced to have that child because these middle age men get to make that decision for me, that's obviously going to hurt me in the future. but i have to say when it comes to yoder and the skinny dipping, just to go back for a brief second, it makes me like him more. you know, he's having fun. >> cenk: he gets drunk. >> cenk: the wine had nothing to do with it, according it to him. >> he was with his wife. >> cenk: but going back to akin
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for a second. the point is the republicans for 30 years have had this crazy abortion stance as part of their platform. they're writing a platform for next week's convention. the same things are in that platform. they're saying in cases of incest, in cases of rape, abortion is not acceptable. in cases where the mother's life is at risk, abortion is not acceptable. enough. >> cenk: i got to say one last thing here to all you guys and the audience. first of all, do you know in sharia law muslim fundmentallists don't go as far as akin. they say if the mother's life is in danger you can have an abortion because we care about the life. but these christian fundamentalists say i don't even care if the mother's life is in danger. he didn't not make this up. he got it from dr. jack wilke who proudly endorsed mitt romney and mitt romney proudly took
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this endorsement. this idiot so-called dr. wilke wrote a book. if a woman is forcibly raped her hormones kick in and rejects it. 32,000 women get pregnant every year from rape. and they got caught. they all believed it secretly. that's the real issue here. when we come back, we'll talk to a guy who did a fascinating documentary on president obama and had president obama's brother in that documentary. he thinks that president obama wants to down-size the country. he's going to be on the program. we're going to have a very interesting conversation when we come back. >> obama had not done anything to help you. >> i think he has a family of his own. he's supposed to help his family. >>(narrator) bill press is on
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[ male announcer ] peppermint that cools as you chew. stimulate your senses. 5 gum. now in micro pack. >> it's go time. (vo) at the only online forum with a direct line to cenk uygur. >>if you had to vote for a republican, which one would it be? (vo) join the debate now. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> one the leading conservative thinkers, such as it is in the country, he's through the thinks college in new york, which is a christian school. he wrote the amuseingly entitled book "the root of obama's rage."
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and he has a new documentary. let's see what kind of frightening place that is. [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> for a long time i sat between the two graves and wept. the pain i felt was my father's pains. my questions were my brother's questions. their struggle, my birth right. >> obama has a dream. a dream from his father. that the sins of colonialism be set right and america be downsized. >> cenk: oh, my god, america is going to be down sized. set for me your these. >> obama has reduce america's influence in the world.
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when obama came into power america had 500 nuclear weapons. and he's talking about a world that has no nuclear weapons at a time when china and pakistan has been increasing their arsenals. >> cenk: let's talk about that. first of all if we have 1500 nuclear weapons we can destroy the world ten times, 100 times. this is reducing us. fascinating. china is number two at $120 billion. we're 6-to-1 ratio over our closest competitor. jesus, how many money do you have to spend on nukes and defense spending before your friends that are defense contractors are happy enough. >> first of all you have to remember that domestic spending has been growing under obama.
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he has added 5 trillion-dollar to the national deficit. if he had a second term you can assume that he'll add 5 trillion-dollar more. >> cenk: let's talk about that. one issue at a time. when you mention that 5 trillion-dollar. you know a great majority of that was left over from the bush administration. left a 1.2 opinionated. >> what do you moon left over. >> cenk: i'll explain it to you. $1.2 trillion per year when obama came into office. that's because of the giant tax cuts that your friends got, the incredibly rich and the giant defense contracts that your friends got the oil subsidies and the wars in afghanistan and iraq that you were in favor of, $1.2 trillion a year left by bush. >> first of all a president should take responsibility for the budgets you can't blame obamaforobama carrying on the bush legacy. he's the one who has taken the
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palestinian position on israel. he is at the one who took the egyptian--cenk, laughing is not an argument. he told the egyptian military you better turn power over to the muslim brotherhood or we will cut off aid. >> cenk: that is not true. president obama has been more friendly to israel than any president in his lifetime. and you mean all the presidents all the presidents. you know better than the defense minister of israel whether obama has been good to israel or not. and egypt. he said to have a democracy which i thought you guys were in favor of when you invaded iraq. >> there was a great pro pro-democracy movement in iran in 2009. except this was a pro-democracy
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movement that was pro america. obama said let's stay out. let's let the iranians solve their own problems. why does he overthrow mubarak. i'm suggesting that obama wants to reduce america's footprint on the world because he thinks that we're stepping on the world. >> cenk: where do you get that from? let me show a chart of spending that we do on aid across the world. one of your thesis in your book is we give so much money than the rest of the world and we're down sizing america. in reality. here is spending afghanistan iraq and israel the top three recipients. then the rest is a pi pittance. we spend incredibly small amount of money in foreign aid, and most of it goes to the countries that we've either invaded or allies with military aid.
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how do we help the rest of the world with our generous aid. >> first of all neither in my books or in my film do i mention foreign aid. i think president obama is using debt to saddle future generations to future countries. >> cenk: did you write this about bush? you agree that bush left us great debt. did you write books and documentaries about bush for saddleing us for debt. >> the largest bush deficit was $500 billion. the lowest obama deficit is 1 trillion-dollar. >> cenk: untrue. >> untrue? >> cenk: please look it up. $1.2 trillion. >> which year. >> cenk: this last year. >> he's last year, you mean 2009? >> cenk: 2008. >> 2008 america's deficit was under $500 billion. it was obama who carried that on
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to over 1 trillion-dollar. >> cenk: are you saying that when president obama got into office, the deficit was $500 billion when everyone acknowledges that it's $1.2 trillion. >> everyone acknowledges. we're talking about a carry-over year and you're trying to saddle bush with an obama deficit. in some sense i suppose the economic nose dive which bush supported the bailout and so did obama. that's a transitional phase. we can put that aside. but let's average bush over eight years and they don't total what obama has had in four years in deficit. >> cenk: why did you never cry about the giant deficits that your wars in iraq and a created? why did you never cry about the deficit for the tax cuts to the rich who paid you at the merge enterprise institute and the hoover institution and pay you at king's college and probably pay you for your books and
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documentaries. why did you never complain about that when the giant deficit creating tax cuts and wars went to your friends. >> first of all you are making yourself silly now. i was a scholar as the american enterprise institute. and the documentary is being watched by tens of thousands of people paying $10 at the theater. this is not a matter of rich people. >> cenk: did you plain about those tax cuts and wars yes or no. >> i supported it in the beginning but i think too much money was spent on that war. >> cenk: finally we agree. dinesh dsouza. thank you for this conversation even though we vehemently disagree. >> it happens. >> cenk: yes. when we come back, nypd doing
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racial profiling of muslims. >> now with suspension of criminal activity without explanation of what the provocation was. >> cenk: how many cases did they have? i'll tell you when you come back. it will be hilarious. then later in the program well, there is a rape case, and the white guys just happened to get out of jail. but this guy is set to be executed. >> there is no blood on my hand. >> the day regional clemens sentenced to death this guy gets paid $150,000 to settle the police brutality case. >>i jump out of my skin at people when i'm upset. they're doing this this corruption based on corruption based on corruption. >>that's an understatement, eliot.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] no for six years nypd worked with the c.i.a. to infiltrate and spy on inspect muslims in new york city and oftentimes outside of new york city. they infiltrated mosques student cafes and student groups and they went out of their jurisdiction to spy on muslim students there. after we found out about this, muslim america group called muslim advocates decided to sue saying this is unconstitutional. this is one of their spokes people. >> all law enforcement officials have a huge responsibility. but racial profiling is bad policing, plain and simple. we believe commissioner kelly has gone too far. they've overreached and it violates the constitution. that's why we're bringing this lawsuit in federal court.
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>> cenk: here is the interesting part. in june 28th disposition they ask thomas giladi a number of questions. he was the commanding officer of nypd intelligence division. he said, quote i'm seeing urdu. i'm seeing them identify the individuals involved in that they are pakistani. i'm using that information for me to determine that this would be the kind of place that a terrorist would be comfortable in. most urdu speakers from that region would be concerned he says i i youpeperdrd one of the national languages of pakistan, and you're from pakistan we're going to track you. if you're pakistani and you speak urdu, by definition you're guilty by nypd, guilty enough to track you. what if you came from lebanon. quote, that may be an indicator of possibility that that is a
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sympathizer to hezbollah because southern lebanon is dominated by hezbollah. sounds like dick cheney. if you're from that general region you're from lebanon. we're going to track you guilty or innocent. i asked him how many cases did you get out of this? how many leads did you get to say, i got the terrorist. >> i never made a lead from the rhetoric that came from a demographic reports and i'm here since 2006. i don't recall other ones prior to my arrival. again, that's a possibility. i'm not aware of any. they tracked muslims all this time and they made zero cases. no leads! nothing! giant waste of time. the only thing that it ironically proves is if you do racial profiling of any group not caring whether you have probable cause or not you're going to waste taxpayer money.
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you're going to violate the constitution for no damn reason. let me bring on some amusing guests here because i say amusing in this serious issue because they happen to be my nephews. these are two very dangerous dudes they are muslim muslim-americans that was infiltrated by the nypd. guys, tell me about the dangerous activities of the nypd. what was discovered as they tracked your actions at rutgers. >> i mean, i'm going to go ahead and say i'm hardly innocent. [ chuckling ] but to be perfectly honest they were tracking all they would get is a bunch of liquor expenses on the weekends, late-night pizza basically stuff like>> cenk: well, it turns out that's exactly what they got. and you know, you guys are in a little bit more trouble because they particularly looked out for americanized surnames. if you changed your name that sounded more american.
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if you're doing something that's good assimilating. you guys didn't do that, but your last name is pyker. it sounds irish. it's a turkish name, but it sounds irish. murat. you have the last name piker and you don't even have a beard like your brother. what have you been doing at rutgers. >> basically, we messed up. they were obviously looking at--looking into our files, i don't know. but if they looked at our facebook they would find some pretty horrific things. >> cenk: that would be incriminating but for all the wrong reasons. murat, also an american hero just passed his test to be a go into fires and rescue people. but nonetheless muslim-american, guilty. guys, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. by the way that ridiculous wall paper that you see in the background was my bedroom initially.
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when we come back, we're going to talk about a serious case. you want to talk about bad racial profiling. there is a rape and murder, horrific. a bunch of guys arrested. whites guys, black guys. guess who was let off and guess who was on death row. i know it's going to be a shocker. >> if you believe that they will beat you to death, rather than beat you, they can get you to not admit anything.
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so, you guys grew up together. yes, since third grade... what are you lookin' at? not looking at i anything... we're not good enough for you. must be supermodels? what do you model gloves? brad, eat a snickers. why? 'cause you get a little angry when you're hungry. better? [ male announcer ] you're not you when you're hungry™. better. [ male announcer ] snickers satisfies.
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>> cenk: on april 4 1991, something tragic happened, two girls went to a bridge called chain of rocks bridge in st. louis, missouri. that's where they were raped and thrown off the bridge. they had four suspects for this. let me show you who they are. daniel winfrey. daniel winfrey wound up getting a plea deal and released in 2007
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on parole. tony richardson is serving a life sentence. marlin gray was executed in 2005. see if you can find a pattern for me and now reggie clemens is sentenced to death as well. now reggie clemens was beaten by police. they got a confession out of him. they did not share dna evidence that they had in the case with the defense. on either one of those grounds that would have been thrown out in any other case, but no, they had to get him. he's still on death row right now. but there was one other guy on the bridge. a cousin of the girls. he was beat like reggie was. that's interesting right? but in in fact, he was initial suspect of the cops. because he changed his story so many times when they said, did you touch the girls, he said, i just hugged them. he seemingly made up an absurd story that he jumped off the
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70-foot bridge to rescue them. the police didn't believe him. what happened to him? instead of going after him they turned him into a star witness. and they gave him $150,000 for the beating. now the other guy didn't get any money. he got a life sentence. there is something wrong with this picture. now there is the guy who has been investigating this, and he's the new york core upon departmentcorrespondentfor the guardian. tell us what is wrong with this case. i don't know what happened on the bridge but i know there is a mismatch of justice for those who were on the bridge. >> let me give you some context. 18 months ago there was a huge outpour of anxiety in america about what was going on on death row. so we decided to take a look at fairly ordinary case actually. this is not an abnormal, this is not an unusual extreme case. this is one of 3,000 or so people who are still on death
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row in the u.s. we to come a look at it. even i was surprised. i've done quite a bit of work on death sentence in the u.s. before that time. when i started looking even i was amazed by how many inconsistencies, actual unconstitutional behavior by the prosecution team. yet here is reggie clemens, 19 years later still sitting on death row still facing possible execution. >> cenk: so it's one thing to say, hey let him go because of the inconsistencies, and you would have to have an appeal and all that. now he did not confess to murder. he confessed to rape after being beat by the cops. they took him to the hospital right after the court proceedings. that's how badly he was beaten by the cops. it's another thing to say i'm so sure this guy did it that i'm going execute him.
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and why the discrepancy of how he was treated and charles cummins was treated. >> you put your finger on the button. this is not the innocence of roger clemens, innocent or guilty. that's nowhere we saying, we're looking at the death sentence in theand is it full proof that we can take another person's life. when we looked at that question, it was riddled by the most astonishing and shocking problems. for instance, just a tiny small one was that when the parents of reggie clemens went to try to find a lawyer to represent him he having been accused of murder, double murder with his life on the line, he was told that there wasn't a public defense lawyer available to him because they were all busy. his parents had to find a lawyer
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to defend him on their credit card. now, that's actually a small point legally in this case, which the line of issues we could go into, it's very long, indeed. but it goes to the heart of the fact that a country that is putting people to death is doing so with almost sort of complete disdain for their rights and the rights of their life. >> cenk: ed pilkinton. thank you for joining us. i want to say one thing before we go go to eliot look, i was in favor of the death penalty until i realized we are killing the wrong people. you can't be in favor of the death penalty because we're not sure. >> eliot: i think you're right about that. there is sufficient reason to stop it right away. lynn woolsey will tell us about the chaos in the republican party. it's an amazing thing to see that they're running around
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rudderless without any coherence with what they're saying and we have matt tiabi hits it on the hit. the spinelessness of the doesn't of justice incapable of prosecuting anyone who matters. >> cenk: looking forward to it, eliot. >> eliot: all right, thank you. >> cenk: when we come back an awesome the chart on paul ryan. you don't want to miss it. come right back. sir... excuse me, excuse me... can i get you to sign off on the johnson case... ♪ we built this city! ♪ don't let food hang around. ♪ on rock & roll! ♪ [ orbit trumpet plays ] clean it up with orbit! [ ding! ] fabulous! for a good clean feeling... eat. drink. chew orbit.
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